Category: Features

Opinion: Stamping out temptation

With the approval of the tobacco consumption age raised from 18 to 21 by Gov. Jerry Brown young adults will be able to avoid  the addicting power of cigarettes and electronic  smoking devices. For one student the bill is too little too late… It’s relieving to know that starting next month, cigarettes will...

Coffee & Karma: Feature on Jonny Liu of Mantra Coffee

Coffee is mankind’s survival juice. A go getter companion for early mornings and go to for late nights alike. Americanos and macchiatos fuel us through our busy days. For Jonny Liu, owner of Mantra Coffee Company and self proclaimed coffee connoisseur, coffee goes far beyond the mere mid-day caffeine...

The French Connection: Q&A with Jaimie Sherif

Jaimie Sherif is a local who’s grown up around San Dimas and Upland. You would never think this California native, who had difficulty in her French classes during high school, would end up teaching French let alone has lived in France for two years. She is an adjunct professor of...