Category: Opinions

Opinion: Helping Hound: Life with a service dog

It’s 8:30 a.m. and my alarm goes off. My mind is awake, but my body is slow to react. I cannot move. Unable to open my eyes, the world is dark. After a vivid dream, the darkness and alarm is jarring. Luna immediately comes to the top of the...

Review: Luscious Dumplings

Luscious Dumplings in San Gabriel is a popular Chinese restaurant specializing in dumplings and noodle soups. From the exterior, the restaurant looks inadequate and the interior matches this, but rest assured the food meets expectations. On a Tuesday night, around 6 p.m., it was quite busy. Every table was...

Opinion: I’m Someone – Cutting through the ‘locker room talk’

When audio of President-Elect Donald Trump boasting about groping women without their permission was made public, numerous Republicans immediately began denouncing Trump. Many politicians weighed in their thoughts that because they had mothers, wives and daughters, Trump’s statements about women were misogynistic and inexcusable. Though their statements may have...